
let the writer beware…

Ouch, my face! 7 December 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — Jason @ 8:01 pm
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As I draft this entry, I’m sitting in the ER at University of Maryland hospital. I’m here because my chipped tooth became infected, and now the right side of my face is all swollen up.swollen face

It’s not pretty.

It’s also intensely painful, and I’m going to have to have two teeth removed. I saw a dentist yesterday at Chase-Brexton Health Services, and they gave me Augmentin and Vicodin and said if it got worse, I should come to this ER (UMMS) because it was the only one with oral surgery residents. The only positive thing about this whole experience so far is that this hospital has free WiFi. So, if you’re looking for an ER where you can get online while you’re waiting for treatment, this is the place to go.

So, here I am, in pain and waiting for treatment. I’ve been here about an hour so far. I think I’m next up, though. I’ll try to post again tonight about what eventually happens.


6 Responses to “Ouch, my face!”

  1. […] jason added an interesting post on Ouch, my face!Here’s a small excerptOuch, my face! As I draft this entry, I’m sitting in the ER at University of Maryland hospital. I’m here because my chipped tooth became infected, and now the right side of my face is all swollen up. It’s not pretty. It’s also intensely painful, and I’m going to have to have two teeth… Read the full post from CaveatScriptor Tags: Health Care, Uncategorized, ER, Pain, Tooth, hospital, abcess via Blogdigger blog search for health. […]

  2. danny Says:

    fuck that sucks… i have the same thing but in the right side and its much bigger and close to the jaw bone. i hope i dont get my tooth removed!=(

  3. gretcehn Says:

    funny. i go to um. and same thing has happened to me. but my dentist didnt pull the tooth. how long did the swelling take to go down. im working on two days and mine has gotten worse… i’m freaking out. let me know… also… did the swelling hurt?

  4. Bethany Says:

    The Same Thing Is Happening To Me I Saw A Dentist And They Said It Has Nothing To Do With My Teeth Anyone Have Any Ideas Cause It Hurts Pretty Bad

    • a romo Says:

      Put cold compresses onit take 2 tylenol, go to dentist who takes small payments, my face is also very swollen from a bad tooth..

  5. arrabyul Says:

    hay my younger brother is studying abroad and also got this swelling he is freaking out , but since i studied medicine i say its only a parotid or sub parotid gland blockage and swelling !! i cant be too sure since i havent been able to examine it .. what did it turn out to be with you ?

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